FAQ for True Beginner Tennis For Women
TBT is a four week program; all enrollment is paid in advance for each 4 week session.
Q. What are the costs for TBT Sessions?
A. Pink Level players: All Pink Level players (Pink 1, Pink 2 and Pink 3) must attend TBT 2x per week for each 4 week session. The cost for 2x per week is $199 (total 8 classes).
B. Red, Orange, Green and Yellow level players: Sessions are 1x per week for 4 weeks (total 4 classes). Cost per session is $99. Players may register for one or more sessions.
There are no refunds.
Q. Can I purchase a single class?
A. Yes, single classes can be purchased under the restrictions below:
1) After the session has started, single classes may be purchased when available as indicated under the 'Schedules' tab.
2) Exchanging/ Selling Classes
For enrolled participants who have purchased an entire session, but cannot make it to a particular class, she may “sell” the class by posting to her skill level WhatsApp list as a ‘drop in’ at $25 per class. Any exchange of classes is handled privately between the enrolled person and the substitute. (i.e., Rebecca does not handle these exchanges.)
Note: If you show up for a class that is above your skill level, the pro has the option to ask you not to join the class. It is only fair to those who have purchased the class for a certain skill level to have players at her level in the class. Likewise, those at a level below those in the class may be at a disadvantage and may not be able to keep up with the others in that group.
I always suggest that you pay the person for the class after the date of the class. That way, you avoid paybacks for inclement weather. However, for any exchange of classes is between the seller and the buyer, I do not get involved in these exchanges. This is based on the belief that you are all adults and can figure it out. Also, I simply do not have time to address exchange issues.
TBT (True Beginner Tennis for Women) started in 2011 as a means to bring more women to the sport, teach correct technique and provide a non-stressful learning environment.
Currently we offer classes for 5 levels of playing skills with these general guidelines:
1. Pink (Novice) (3 sessions):
* Pink 1 (little or no previous instruction)
* Pink 2 (has had some general instruction equivalent 4 private classes)
* Pink 3 (has knowledge of basic strokes, can manage slow rally)
2. Red - advanced beginner (over 3 months – 1 year of instruction)
3. Orange - low intermediate (has had about 1 year of instruction)
4. Green-Intermediate (2.0-2.5 level, about 2-3 years instruction, can compete in game play)
5. Yellow, advanced intermediate (ready for league competition at 2.5-3.5 level)
Note: If you are not sure of your skill level, please contact Rebecca Boyce via text or call 305-606-6939 (also may contact via WhatsApp).
WhatsApp Groups
A WhatsApp group is set up upon registration for each group in order to keep participants aware of special information, updates and weather cancellations. Each player has 2 WhatsApp groups: One for her skill level group, and one for her current session group of 4 women.
Q: What happens in case of rain or cancellation of a class?
A. Classes postponed for weather or other reasons is added to the end of the session.
B. If a class in progress is cut short by weather, it will be added to the end of the session ONLY if the class is cut short within 20 minutes or less. In other words, if the class has lasted more than 20 minutes, it will be considered a regularly scheduled class.
Note: Please register at the tennis center reception to receive email notices of court closings for weather. Also, the app, ‘Flamingo Tennis Center’ advises when courts are not playable.

Also, You may call Flamingo 305-673-7761. Keep in contact with your session mates to help each other be aware of court cancellations as we are not always able to keep everyone updated about weather/rainouts, etc. Get used to being aware of the weather! South Florida weather is tricky and unpredictable. - Handling weather questions is something that you will need to get used to for your entire tennis life, so best to get get accustomed to helping yourself and your teammates about weather cancellations.
Q. What hours are available for TBT Scheduled classes?
A: The hours that we have available to us for TBT classes are:

7:30 to 8:30 AM on weekdays,
12 PM to 3 PM on weekdays,
7PM to 9PM week nights
7:30 AM to 1:30 AM on Saturdays, and
7:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Sundays. 

These are the hours that the tennis center management gives us for
our program because they must have courts available to the public for other
programs, private lessons and general play.
Minimum age to participate in TBT is 18. There is not limitations on maximum age. In other words,. anyoneone age 18 and above can participate in TBT
Q: Who are TBT Teaching Pros? And What is their Contact Info?
A: TBT Teaching Professionals 2024:
Julio Avila â€(786) 302-8180‬; tennisavila@yahoo.com
Juan Miguel Soler (512) 680-1383; juanmy2011@yahoo.com
Rai Medina (786) 691-7312; raidavid20mr@gmail.com
Ricardo Cookson (305) 502-1945; ricardo_cookson@yahoo.com
Carlos Girola (610) 842-6289‬; girolashot@msn.com
Note: I suggest you text them, as they rarely return phone calls because they are usually on the court.
As these teaching pros work directly for TBT, and not for the city of Miami Beach, any private lessons must be arranged with them personally, generally outside Flamingo Park.
We generally have about 5 TBT talented pros teaching our groups, and we are thrilled to have them. At any time, one may be substituting for another, or their schedules may change depending on a variety of factors. TBT does not guarantee a specific pro for a given session although I try to keep schedules consistent with the pro listed at the time of enrollment.
Remember, respect is at the root of the game of tennis. Respect for each other and especially, respect for the Pro who has spent years and years in the game, and who sincerely makes every effort to impart his knowledge of the sport.
That being said, TBT is a cost effective program for women, designed to bring you all onto the court with excellent instruction in a fun, low pressure environment. If you wish to participate in a program of tennis instruction where you have the ability to always select your instructor, time of play, group companions, etc., then a private country club setting might be a better choice for you.
Trust me, I do my best to provide predictably in the scheduling of the pros, but sometimes changes will happen.
We appreciate all of your participation and cooperation with the pro scheduling and occasional changes. All of the TBT teaching professionals have extensive teaching background, and you all have much to learn from any of them. Over the decades of years playing the sport, I have had the benefit of learning from many great teaching pros. Ask questions! Open your perspective to learning from different approaches! Have fun!
Q. Do I need to bring my own racquet?
A: Women enrolling at the Pink Level will be given a racquet to use while she is enrolled in the TBT program. She should return it to the Pro when she purchases her own racquet or leaves TBT.
Q. What is appropriate tennis attire?
A: Clothing: Comfortable workout attire is advisable, but clothing made for tennis play can be acquired when you wish as it is specifically made for tennis activity.
B. Shoes: Tennis shoes are required at all times while on the courts to protect feet and ankles and prevent damage to the court surfaces. They must be shoes actually made for tennis and NOT ‘court shoes,’ ‘running shoes,’ ‘sneakers,’ cross trainers,’ etc.
Q. How do I best protect myself from extreme heat on the court?
A. Hydrate, Hat, Sunblock and Sunglasses. Be smart – If you feel too hot, take a break and hydrate!
When you enter the tennis center, just ask reception which court TBT is being held on, and they will tell you where to go. Your teaching pro is will be on the court waiting for you.
Note: Parking is available in the lot adjacent to the swimming pool across from the tennis courts at the corner of Jefferson and 11th St. Parking is free for up to three hours.
Please be sure you are wearing comfortable workout clothing including a hat, sunblock, and please bring a hydrating drink. Have fun and learn!
Q: What should I do upon arriving at the court for my class?
A: Please wait outside the tennis court fence until the exact time your class is scheduled to begin.
Q: Who announces the score during play?
A: The person serving calls the points loud and clear before every serve, and opponents should ask for the score if unclear.
Q: How can I determine if a ball is out?
A: A ball is considered out if it touches the ground outside of court boundaries (lines are part of the court and balls landing on the lines are in); avoid hitting it before it touches the ground. For a ball to be OUT it needs to touch the ground. Do not hit it - if you hit the ball before it makes contact with the ground, the point belongs to the opponent. Do not call the ball 'out' until it has hit the ground.
Q: If the ball accidentally hits a foreign object (leaf, hair clip, another ball, etc.)
during play, is the point played over?
A: No, each player is responsible for making sure her side of the court is clear of debris, and the point belongs to the opponent if the ball hits an object on the player’s side of the court.​
Q: Can I touch the net during play?
A: No, physically touching the net during play results in the player who has touched the net losing the point.
Q: Is talking allowed during play or near other players?
A: Avoid discussion or talk during the point; use hand signals with your partner instead. Keep noise levels low to avoid disturbing nearby players. However, verbal communication between partners is permitted and necessary in doubles during play.
Q: What should I do if a ball rolls onto an adjacent court?
A: Wait until the players on that court finish their point before politely requesting the return of the ball.
Q: When returning serve, what should I do if the serve is out?
A: The receiver must announce at once that the serve is out, loudly enough so all players can hear the call. Do not return the first serve when it’s out - best to hit all loose balls into the net - they are not likely to roll onto play area from there.
Q: Who decides when to start the point?
A: The point starts when the server indicates to all players that she is ready to serve. Note: Any balls not in use are ideally kept on server’s person or the server’s partner (best kept in skirt or pocket). The server needs to have an uninterrupted flow between the first and the second serve, so make sure the server always has 2 balls before serving. Her partner should hold the third ball whenever possible.
Q: Who calls the score during play?
A: The person serving is the person responsible for keeping score. She must call the point score loud and clear before every serve. If the opponent does not hear the score called, they should always ask for the score before the server serves.
Q: What is done if there is a question about whether the ball is in or out?
A: If there is a question about whether the ball was in or out (on your court) then the point belongs to the other team - unless they are happy to re play the point.
Q: Is it okay to talk with the other players during the point?
A: Discussion or talk during the point should be kept to a minimum. At no point are rude or hostile language or gestures permissible.​
Q: Are men allowed to participate?
A: No. This is designed for women only.