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FAQ for True Beginner Tennis For Women

Court Usage Guidelines at Flamingo Park Tennis Center

Q: Do I need specific shoes for playing tennis at Flamingo Park Tennis Center?

A: Yes, tennis shoes are required at all times while on the courts to prevent damage to the surfaces. 

Q: What should I do with court rakes/sweeps after using them?

A: Please return the court rakes/sweeps to their original position after use; do not leave them on the courts

Q: Can I touch the sprinklers at Flamingo Park Tennis Center?

A: No, please refrain from touching the sprinklers and leave the cans used to cover them undisturbed.

Q: What should I do with umbrellas during windy or rainy conditions?

A: Keep umbrellas closed and avoid moving them around the courts to maintain safety and order.

Q: How should I clean up after playing on the courts?

 A: Ensure to pick up any balls or bottles after your court time and drop them off in the designated basket outside the pro shop. 

Q: Are scooters and bikes allowed inside the tennis court area?

A: No, scooters and bicycles are not permitted within the tennis court area.


Q: What should I do upon arriving at the court for my class?

A: Please wait outside the tennis court until the exact time your class is scheduled to begin.

Q: Who announces the score during play?

A: The person serving calls the points loud and clear before every serve, and opponents should ask for the score if unclear.

Q: How can I determine if a ball is out?

A: A ball is considered out if it touches the ground outside of court boundaries; avoid hitting it before it touches the ground.

Q: What should I do if a ball lands on the line?

A: A ball landing on the line is considered in play. 

Q: Can I touch the net during play?

A: No, physically touching the net during play results in losing the point.

Q: Is talking allowed during play or near other players?

A: Avoid discussion or talk during the point; use hand signals with your partner instead. Keep noise levels low to avoid disturbing nearby players.

Q: What should I do if a ball rolls onto an adjacent court?

A: Wait until the players on that court finish their point before politely requesting the return of the ball.

Q: Can I purchase single classes?

A: Single classes may be purchased when offered by others in your skill level group or by the instructor if there are open spaces available after the session has begun. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need clarification!


Q: Are men allowed to participate?

A: No. This is designed for women only.

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